Order Form

Fill out the form in all its parts and click on the “Order Now” below, your order will be sent immediately.
N.B. This form can be used to order more products coming out of this before completion of the order, the data entered will be erased.

Name (required)

Surname (required)

Address (required)

ZIP (required)

City (required)

State (required)

Phone (required)

Product Pack
Amaretti 400 gr - € 7,50
Ugly but Good 400 gr - € 7,00
Winedonuts 400 gr - € 4,50
Delights of Venus 400 gr - € 9,00
Eyes Ox 400 gr - € 6,50
Almond dough with Cherry 400 gr - € 9,00
Walnut Pastries 400 gr - € 6,50
Tozzetti with Almonds 400 gr - € 6,50
Mode of Payment
 PayPal Bank Transfer

For packaging / quantity other than those listed, please call +39 0776.760763


By submitting the order, you will receive an email response with the sum and data to make payment

I authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments.
